I saw your next msg about the “one glyph wonder.” The experts may tell me I’m wrong, but I think FontForge might be trying to save your work on the cent sign before bringing up another glyph, and failing. If I’m right, you won’t even be able to save the .sfd file. If you can, save two copies, and in one clear the cent glyph and see if you can work on the others; in the other, clear everything else and work on the cent sign (I’m guessing that you can select the cent glyph, select an adjacent glyph with an arrow key, and select multiple glyphs with shift-arrow.)
What I see in the image of the cent glyph is a lot of superimposed paths and superimposed points. Here’s what I do in a case like that. Before I could tell what’s wrong with the paths I would have to move them apart. First, if I want to know where they were, I make sure there's a copy on the background layer. Then I double-click on a point and move it well away from the others, carrying its path with it. (Single click selects a point, double click selects the path it’s on, and triple click selects all points and paths.) Do that until all the paths are distinguishable, then go to menu, Element, Find Problems.
Since my image didn't come through in my post I will try attaching it instead.
If this doesn't work, I will put it on one of my sites and put in a link.
Cent sign difficulties can be seen in the image.