[fontforge-users] ccmp works on metrics window but not on document
Spiros Georgaras
2016-08-02 20:03:33 UTC
Hi all,

Let me start by saying that i am a complete newbie...

I am trying to create a "translator" font, to display Beta Code text (ancient
Greek text written using an ascii-only encoding), using ccmp.

I understand that this may not be the way ccmp was intended to work, and the
text will probably not be editable when the font is active, but it's ok, it's
just needed for reading not editing text.

Anyway, the encoding goes like this:
a or A translate to α (Greek alpha)
*a and *A translate to A (Greek Alpha)

The thing is that all asterisk combinations (capital Greek letters) do not
work, when reading a document, although all the other combinations actually do.

The funny thing is that *A and *a work ok in the metrics window - i get α
(Greek alpha) and A (Greek Alpha)...

I have noticed that when i type the asterisk on the metrics window, i get
DFLT{dflt} and RQD, ccmp, but when i type a or A, i get latn{dflt} and RQD,
ccmp, kern, liga, mark, mkmk

So maybe this is the problem: maybe i have to "make" it display latn{dflt} for
the asterisk too... Just a wild guess and probably complete rubbish...

The lookup table use the default "Scripts and Languages": DFLT{dflt} cyrl{CSL
,SRB ,dflt} grek{dflt} hebr{dflt} kana{dflt} latn{AZE ,CRT ,DEU ,MOL ,NLD ,ROM
,TRK ,dflt} math{dflt}

BTW, i get the same behavior with other characters too
slash - greek tonos
percent - dagger
to name a couple, although a/ works ok and gives me ά (alphatonos)

Can you please help?


Spiros Georgaras
2016-08-05 20:34:29 UTC
Hi again

I have figured it out myself...

There were some strange substitutions going on from previous attempts that i
had to delete

Post by Spiros Georgaras
Hi all,
Let me start by saying that i am a complete newbie...
I am trying to create a "translator" font, to display Beta Code text (ancient
Greek text written using an ascii-only encoding), using ccmp.
I understand that this may not be the way ccmp was intended to work, and the
text will probably not be editable when the font is active, but it's ok, it's
just needed for reading not editing text.
a or A translate to α (Greek alpha)
*a and *A translate to A (Greek Alpha)
The thing is that all asterisk combinations (capital Greek letters) do not
work, when reading a document, although all the other combinations actually do.
The funny thing is that *A and *a work ok in the metrics window - i get α
(Greek alpha) and A (Greek Alpha)...
I have noticed that when i type the asterisk on the metrics window, i get
DFLT{dflt} and RQD, ccmp, but when i type a or A, i get latn{dflt} and RQD,
ccmp, kern, liga, mark, mkmk
So maybe this is the problem: maybe i have to "make" it display latn{dflt} for
the asterisk too... Just a wild guess and probably complete rubbish...
The lookup table use the default "Scripts and Languages": DFLT{dflt} cyrl{CSL
,SRB ,dflt} grek{dflt} hebr{dflt} kana{dflt} latn{AZE ,CRT ,DEU ,MOL ,NLD ,ROM
,TRK ,dflt} math{dflt}
BTW, i get the same behavior with other characters too
slash - greek tonos
percent - dagger
to name a couple, although a/ works ok and gives me ά (alphatonos)
Can you please help?
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